Assassin’s Creed: Chronicles – India Launch Trailer şi comunicat de presă

Cei de la Ubisoft au pregătit un nou material video cu ocazia lansării lui Assassin’s Creed: Chronicles – India.

Assassin’s Creed: Chronicles – India este disponibil acum pe PS4  prin intermediul PlayStation Store, pe Xbox One prin Xbox Live Store și pe PC prin Steam și Uplay. Abonează-te pe Youtube, dacă-ți place acest trailer.

Mai jos, am adăugat și comunicatul de presă oficial de la Ubisoft.

Discover India On A Quest To Defend Love In Assassin’s Creed® Chronicles’ Second Instalment

London, UK — January 12, 2016 — Today, Ubisoft® announced that Assassin’s Creed® Chronicles: India is now available worldwide for download on the PlayStation®4 computer entertainment system, Xbox One and Windows PC.

During 19th-century India, at the height of British control and while tensions are quickly escalating between the Sikh Empire and the East India Company, a Master Templar arrives looking to steal the famed Koh-i-noor diamond. Upon his arrival, master assassin Arbaaz Mir must act fast to secure the diamond for the Brotherhood, steal back a mysterious box that belonged to the Assassin Order and discover the Templars’ objective, putting his love affair with Princess Pyara Kaur in jeopardy and her safety at risk.

In Assassin’s Creed Chronicles: India, players will step into the life of Arbaaz Mir, a smart, charming and stealthy Master Assassin. Equipped with brand-new Assassin’s gear including the Talwar (curved sword) and Chakram (circular throwing weapon), players will unleash immense damage during fights with moves like the new double kill, helix strike and the silent takedown. Now more agile than ever, players will navigate through squares and bazaars, leaving a destructive trail of chaos.

Developed by Climax Studios in collaboration with Ubisoft Montreal, Assassin’s Creed Chronicles brings the thrill of being a Master Assassin to 2.5D. Brought to life by a palette of vibrant, stunning colours inspired by India’s murals and templates, Arbaaz Mir’s journey will draw players into highly illustrative newspaper style visuals as they navigate unnoticed across India’s legendary landmarks.

Assassin’s Creed® Chronicles: India is the second instalment of the series after Assassin’s Creed Chronicles: China. Assassin’s Creed® Chronicles: Russia, which takes place during the Red October revolution, will follow on February 9. The Assassin’s Creed Chronicles Trilogy Pack, which includes all three episodes, will be available as a digital store bundle on thePlayStation®4 computer entertainment system, Xbox One and Windows PC starting February 9. The Assassin’s Creed Chronicles Trilogy Pack will also be available at retail stores on thePlayStation®4 computer entertainment system, Xbox One starting February 9. The Assassin’s Creed Chronicles Trilogy Pack will also be available on the PlayStation® Vita system on April 5.

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Victor Dima

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Victor Dima is a Blind Gaming Journalist and Accessibility Ambassador, Living in Oslo with his wife Alina. Victor was the first journalist in Romania to receive the PS5 & the PS VR2 from PlayStation. He is also working closely with Xbox Nordic and other game publishers such as Ubisoft, Ea, Bungie, Activision, blizzard, square Enix, Capcom, Rockstar Games, Sega, PlayStation studios, WB Games, Bethesda and many others. With over 12 years of experience covering the Gaming Industry, he started in 2013 and since February 2022 all his articles are posted in English in order to reach a more global audience. He is the owner and founder of the highly successful PlayStation Fans Romania Facebook Community, the largest independent source for PlayStation News in Romania, on social media with almost 35.000 followers. Victor is also running You can reach Victor at

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