PlayStation Plus Monthly Games for February 2023

PlayStation plus monthly games for February image featuring the selection of titles

Sony Interactive Entertainment revealed the PlayStation Plus Monthly Games for February 2023. Take on demonic Deadites in asymmetrical multiplayer Evil Dead: The Game (PS5/PS4), grind and trick your way through the vibrant world of Radlandia in OlliOlliWorld (PS5/PS4) and live the life of a Prohibition-era gangster with Mafia: The Definitive Edition (PS4). In addition to these titles, Destiny 2: Beyond Light (PS5/PS4 DLC) joins the lineup as a bonus game this month.


All four titles will be available to PlayStation Plus Essential, Extra and Premium members from Tuesday, February 7 until Monday March 6. The PlayStation Plus Extra and Premium lineups for February will be announced soon.

PlayStation Plus members have until Monday February 6 to add Star Wars Jedi: Fallen Order, Fallout 76 and Axiom Verge 2 to their game library.

Sony also provided an update on the PlayStation Plus Collection that has been offered as a benefit to PlayStation Plus members on PS5 since 2020. On May 9 the PlayStation Plus Collection will no longer be offered. If you haven’t redeemed the titles in this collection yet, you can still do so until May 9, which will enable you to access those titles even after this date for as long as you remain a PlayStation Plus member.

*Destiny 2 is required to play Destiny 2: Beyond Light. Destiny 2 is available for download at no extra cost on PlayStation Store.

Happy gaming everyone!

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Victor Dima

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Victor Dima is a Blind Gaming Journalist and Accessibility Ambassador, Living in Oslo with his wife Alina. Victor was the first journalist in Romania to receive the PS5 & the PS VR2 from PlayStation. He is also working closely with Xbox Nordic and other game publishers such as Ubisoft, Ea, Bungie, Activision, blizzard, square Enix, Capcom, Rockstar Games, Sega, PlayStation studios, WB Games, Bethesda and many others. With over 12 years of experience covering the Gaming Industry, he started in 2013 and since February 2022 all his articles are posted in English in order to reach a more global audience. He is the owner and founder of the highly successful PlayStation Fans Romania Facebook Community, the largest independent source for PlayStation News in Romania, on social media with almost 35.000 followers. Victor is also running You can reach Victor at

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