PREY: Reviews Round Up

Au trecut două zile de când s-a lansat PREY și avem deja primele review-uri pentru cel mai nou joc de la Arkane Studios Austin. Se pare că cei care l-au încercat sunt foarte mulțumiți de rezultatul final. Noi nu am primit un cod de review până acum, deci nu vom veni cu materiale editoriale pentru PREY.

Press Start – 9/10

Prey is another win for Arkane. It’s a game where everyone who plays it will have a different experience. One thing is certain though – that Prey remains a consistent experience from beginning to end. Providing players with intuitive gameplay systems with great synergy, freedom to approach combat how you want and game design that rewards creativity are just three ways that Prey succeeds. While BioShock was heralded as the spiritual successor to System Shock, Prey feels like a much more successful attempt. An absolute joy to play and experience.

Gadgets 360 – 9/10

Clocking in at around 20 hours, Prey is well worth checking out even if you’re not a fan of horror or sci-fi. It might not be wholly original, but that doesn’t make it any less fun.

Attack of the Fanboy – 4.5/5

As far as first person action games go, Arkane Studios is probably the best in the business.  Proving that the studio has no shortage of interesting ideas, Prey is the perfect blend of thrilling action and thought provoking story.  Who needs a new BioShock or Half Life game when we’re getting experiences like these?

PREY este disponibil acum pentru PlayStation 4Xbox One și PC.

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Victor Dima

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Victor Dima is a Blind Gaming Journalist and Accessibility Ambassador, Living in Oslo with his wife Alina. Victor was the first journalist in Romania to receive the PS5 & the PS VR2 from PlayStation. He is also working closely with Xbox Nordic and other game publishers such as Ubisoft, Ea, Bungie, Activision, blizzard, square Enix, Capcom, Rockstar Games, Sega, PlayStation studios, WB Games, Bethesda and many others. With over 12 years of experience covering the Gaming Industry, he started in 2013 and since February 2022 all his articles are posted in English in order to reach a more global audience. He is the owner and founder of the highly successful PlayStation Fans Romania Facebook Community, the largest independent source for PlayStation News in Romania, on social media with almost 35.000 followers. Victor is also running You can reach Victor at

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